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5 reasons why floor plans are important to sell houses quicker

Real estate marketing: How to sell a house faster

As the real estate market in 2023 cooled down after the hottest last couple of years, selling homes in 2024 will require more creative approaches than in past. We are seeing big increases in interest rates all around the world and home sales have recently been trending down towards 2019 figures. Would-be homebuyers are exhausted and confidence has reached all-time-low in June 2022. In a Fannie Mae survey on homebuyer sentiment, a record 79% of respondents said it’s a bad time to buy a home. In this now cooler market, pricing a listed home properly and making sure the listing stands out will be crucial to attracting buyers. But how can you make your listing stand out from the competitors?

One way to make your property listing outstanding and sell your property faster in 2024 is adding professional floor plans and 3D renders. 

If you are considering selling a home in 2023, if you are a real estate agent looking for real estate marketing tips to get more listings’ views, or a real estate photographer trying to get more clients (agents) here’s 5 reasons why you should consider adding floor plans to your real estate marketing package

5 Reasons Why You Should Add Floor Plans To Your Listings to Sell Faster

1. Floor plans are one of the most effective visual elements for your real estate listing

Property Descriptions and professional photos don’t tell the whole story.
Instead, 2D floor plans provide an overall understanding of the home layout in a single glance. Floor Plans go hand-in-hand with property pictures and help buyers put all the pieces together to envision themselves in their dream home.

Many buyers rely on 3D house tours to get a sense of the property, yet many still don’t complete the tours. Why? It’s because their minds are still working hard to piece together information about the property layout. It takes a lot of energy. Instead, a 2D floor plan helps your potential buyers get an immediate reference point for things such as room layout, remodeling, or interior design.

make a listing outstanding with a floor plan
Floor Plans have great visual value

Read also 5 effective visual elements in real estate marketing

2. Build an Emotional Connection with the Would-Be Buyer

Buying a house is no joke, especially in 2022. Emotions play a crucial role in the home buying process. The more you can connect with potential homebuyers on a more personal level, the higher chances are that your property will make an impression. If buyers can “see” themselves in the home by viewing a floor plan, their chances of falling in love with it are much greater.

Buyers with floor plans of their dream home are like painters with blank canvas. Through a blueprint of the property, they can start moving in mentally, plan where they will put furniture, window curtains, what type of kitchen and dining room they will use, etc.
With a professional floor plan, buyers can see if that property suits their lifestyle better.

3. Makes your Listing Stand Out from The Competition

Why floor plans are important for real estate
According to Zillow, a floor plan is the 2nd most important listing feature and correlates to capturing potential leads.

Home searching is a painful and time-consuming process. Homebuyers scroll through hundreds of listings at once. With such fierce competition, how can you make a property stick into the buyer’s memory?
Let’s start with one of the easiest ways, yet most effective solutions: Again, adding a floor plan to your real estate marketing package. Real Estate floor plans are a great tool for realtors to generate more listing engagement and get more listing appointments per property. 

“Adding a floor plan to a real estate listing can increase click-throughs from buyers by 52%“

To capture the attention, even more, real estate agents can invest in eye-catching, customized floor plans that also include furniture and dimensions.
Whether you are a real estate agent or real estate photographer, a floor plan is a fantastic marketing tool to provide valuable information to potential buyers while maintaining and promoting your brand (adding your colors, logo). An easy way to make a listing stand out from other competitor property listings and sell your property faster.

4. Allow Buyers to See what the room sizes are and the overall home layout before a showing

Imagine you are buying yourself a new house: What would you pay attention to besides how it looks like from the pictures and descriptions? Probably, you would be interested to determine the comfort and the usability of the space, how the rooms communicate with each other, and so on. And here you understand that the pictures are not enough, you want to see the structure of the future home as well.

The result? Buyers can make more informed decisions, and book showings when they really believe the property is a good fit. It will save the time of buyers, sellers, agents and all parties involved in the transaction.

home buyers at a showing
A floor plan allow buyers to see what the room sizes are and the overall home layout before a showing


Here are some home buyer comments left on Zillow, Reddit, and City-Data all with strong pro-floor plan opinions:

“A floor plan can save a lot of driving and looking.”
“Floor plan qualifies a buyer before even seeing the home”
“Floorplans would encourage potential buyers that know what they are looking for. It will also help keep away potential buyers that basically walk in the door and walk right back out because they hate the layout.“

5. Better Experience for Buyers and Sellers

Now let’s think about situations when buyers are not residents of the area and they are looking for houses. Indeed, beautiful images are great assets when presenting the house. But if you consider to add also real estate floor plans they would be surely thankful for saving their time. Getting valuable insights about the properties is mutually beneficial for both the agent and buyer.

If you are an agent, you are not only selling a house, but you also want to help the buyer to find their dream house, right? So why not to offer the buyer all the possible information and visual assets before arranging visits? If you manage to provide those, it will become easier for the buyer to understand if they like the home layout or not.

floor plans to sell houses faster
Floor Plans can be a great asset in selling listings faster

How to get a floor plan for real estate marketing? 

“A good quality floor plan is like a tailor-made suit. It expresses dignity and never goes out of style. There is no better way of showing a full description of the home in one picture than it is with a floor plan. The shapes, the room sizes, the fixed furniture, all at once. Giving the customers the chance to see the well-drawn, simple yet solid floor plan is one way of showing that you take care of everything, and keep simple things simple…”

Floor plans rarely made it to the real estate marketing ideas list because it was a tedious process to create them.  The keyword here, WAS. Once upon a time, real estate professionals used to have to crouch through spaces and take measurements by hand before spending hours sketching the area of the property. Real estate agents that needed a floor plan for real estate usually hired someone else, such as their real estate photographer to do the job.

But nowadays, we have the technology to create a customizable, professional floor plan to make every listing stand out. Creating a floor plan of a property became so easy that also real estate agents without any measuring and sketching skills can do it. But what is the technology to create floor plans for real estate agents and others real estate professionals? All you need is a trusted floor plan app and you’re good to go!

What is the best floor plan app for real estate?

Creating a floor plan for real estate marketing should not be a hassle. Real estate agents and real estate photographers use CubiCasa app because of its easy-to-use interface and detailed output. The floor plan service includes a Gross Living Area information, home report, and customizable floor plans. 

most user friendly floor plan software
CubiCasa is one of the most user-friendly floor plan softwares on the market

CubiCasa offers standardized, fast, and accurate floor plans & GLA solutions for most iOS and Android devices. There’s no upfront investment or expensive hardware needed. 

What are the benefits of CubiCasa Floor Plans for real estate professionals?

  1. According to Zillow, the floor plan is the 2nd most important feature on a listing and correlates highly with capturing potential leads. Floor plan is a great asset for real estate marketing
  2. Scanning takes under 5 minutes on average and the resulting floor plan for property listing is always up-to-date
  3. Floor plan creator app with no drafting or finalizing – CubiCasa delivers clear and professional floor plan for property listing in 6 or 24 hours (Depending on the selected SLA) 
  4. The first scan is free                                                                                     
  5. CubiCasa makes it easy for realtors and real estate photographers to create affordable floor plans for any property listing, not just high-end properties.
  6. Large diversity of devices supported. CubiCasa floor plan app supports Android and iOS! 

So what? 

All you need is to download the app and scan a floor plan for real estate in 5 minutes — the first floor plan is FREE! 


Try CubiCasa now

Get your first floor plan for free Get your FREE floor plan today
Author: Anastasia Corjan

The Senior Marketing Manager at CubiCasa has been instrumental in pioneering a newly-launched app that has gained usage in 172 countries. With expertise in real estate marketing, community building, and social media, Anastasia Corjan has helped the company achieve more than 1 million orders.

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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