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8 ways to decrease real estate listing time-on-market

Are you a real estate agent or a homeowner who wants to sell a property? Have you listed several properties and worked for weeks or months to get them sold? After a long period of no results, are your sellers likely to start calling you? They can ask – Why haven’t you sold their property? What are you going to do to market it? What else do you plan to do to sell the property faster?

There are many reasons for this ‘no result’. But you can overcome it if you carefully follow the tactics, strategies, or marketing methods which are given below. It will help you to decrease the listing time on the market.

1. Start marketing right after you sign the contract for the property sale

After getting the contract, it’s time to start working. You can share your new listing on the MLS (multiple listing service), associated with major real estate platforms such as Zillow, Trulia, and, and also claim those listings to follow statistics. Use social media channels by sharing a short preview of your listing by tagging the location and keep updating every now and then on those channels. It will help you to get more clients and sell the property faster.

Do not underestimate the power of the email list. If you make it as a habit to send the property to your contact list on a regular basis, it will help you get more clients. If possible, use your local MLS, pull agent contact lists and add them to your email base. Assure you to write your subject line interesting and relevant for increasing your email open rate.

Open houses have always been and will always be crucial when selling a property. They will allow potential buyers for experiencing the space physically and when you hold one each time, the listings pop on all online portals and provides renewed attention to your property.

Keep changing the featured photo regularly. Nowadays, most of the buyers search the properties on the internet. If they use platforms like Zillow, they can only see the basic information of your listing and one main photo. For making it attractive, change the cover photo of your listing regularly. The bedroom may appeal to one person, some like kitchen photo or the living room may attract another.

Use Facebook and Instagram Live for Broadcasting. If you want to target younger buyers, publish the home for sale on Facebook Marketplace and Instagram. You’ll be amazed at how many inquiries you get from potential buyers!

If potential buyers can’t make it to the showing in person, you can offer a virtual open home visit via Facebook, Instagram or Tik Tok Live. Show your viewers a virtual view of the property and answer their questions instantly. It is not only a tour of the property but also a way to introduce you to the clients who can consider you for their agent in the future!

2. Let your fellow agents know that you want to sell the property faster

If you are using internet to communicate and network with other agents, post your brokerage offers there. You can post a preview of your property listing by adding address and price to show your fellow agents. They might already be working with those buyers who want to move into this neighborhood. They can help you to get contacts with potential buyers.

Buying or selling a house is one of the most important decisions a family or firm has to make. Thus, choosing the right Real Estate agent that will help you find your dream house, or the right buyer, is a fundamental decision. Consider the help of some platform as WeAgentz in Italy to help people find the most suitable professional to match their needs.”

3. Price the Home accurately

It is the most important thing to price a home accurately. In fact, extraordinary Real Estate Agents do price each home by using their training, considering the market and comparable sales. They avoid giving in to the desire to say what will make sellers happy just to attract business. If the pricing is too high, buyers avoid it and if buyers avoid the home long enough, it will develop a bad reputation. Then eventually, sellers are forced to drop the price and sold the home at a lower price than the price they decided at first which is not good for their reputation in the market. It is wise to price the home closer to the original listing price of sellers so that you get the right buyer for the home. Don’t mispresent the home value to get your business! If the market situation is not good, it is best to reduce your asking price before your listings hit the stale stage.

4. Proper Communication

There is no excuse for poor communication with the clients! Most of the Real Estate Agents, when they get a client, they only communicate with the client if they get an offer. You should regularly update the customers on the feedback from showings and about anything else that may concern the customers. Even if there are no offers, you must continue your communication with the customers as well as with the seller. It will not only help you to let your seller know that you are doing something which is worth paying for but also it will increase your reputation among your peers and the clients. So, proper communication is a must to decrease your listings time.

5. Check if the buyer is qualified

Choose a buyer who is pre-approved, not pre-qualified. Any person can say they want to buy the house but not everyone can get pre-approval for a home loan. You can choose buyers who already have submitted all information such as, a credit report and been given the go-ahead for a loan. If nothing changes with their financial situation or their credit, they will able to get approval and buy your client’s home!

6. Stage your listing and it will stand out

If the properties are flying off the shelves, sellers might be hesitant to stage their homes for sale because it will be a significant up-front investment. But staging home will help sellers to sell their property faster as it is proven as a fundamental strategy for many sellers. Home staging brings many benefits when a buyer find a home online and they walk it during the showing including, creates flawless first impression in professional photos when buyers look at those, draws attention to the best features of a property, permits the visiting buyer to connect with the home emotionally and to imagine themselves living in it, the appearance of the furniture allows the buyer and the agent to have conversation and helps to remain on the property longer.

sell listing faster

7. Hire a professional photographer 

Don’t hire a wannabe professional photographer for taking photos of your property listing. Hire a professional photographer who has the sense to understand interior design, layout, light, and composition. A true architectural photographer can take photos by moving, adjusting and placing pieces so that the interior shot looks perfect to attract buyers. A photographer who is skilled knows how to rearrange things to compose an excellent shot! This tip would definitely help you to sell the property faster!


real estate photography techniques
Photo by Carolyn Pilla from CP Creations


8. Include a Digital Floor Plan on Your Listing

Floor Plans can help you to sell the properties and make your listings stand out from your competitors’ listings. Why? Because buyers love floor plans.

Here’s a fun fact: 93% of buyers say they are more likely to spend time looking at a property with a floor plan. It’s a quick win that generates results, fast.

When the listing only includes a description and real estate pictures, it is difficult for potential buyers to relate how the images fit together to represent the whole house. It is the floor plan that helps the buyers to see where rooms are located to one another and how the property “flows”. It also provides the buyer important details, for example, the number of windows in each room, the size of each room, the way in which space is oriented and how much storage space is available.

With the floor plan, buyers are more likely to choose to inspect a property that makes sense to them when they see photos and floor plan together. Include a floor plan into the brochure you provide the buyers at an open home which helps to make the property.

Floor plan with dimensions and fixed furnitures
CubiCasa App is an easy solution to create digital, customizable floor plans for real estate listings – with just a smartphone

Buyers can easily remember the home’s layout, by extension, the home itself by the floor plan. Make sure to use simple and straightforward floor plan which includes dimensions and measurements for getting an accurate idea of the property and consider providing a floor plan that displays fixed furniture. You can also make the floor plan more eye-catching and professional by investing in full-color plans and include all windows and doors showing their location and size as they are very important for the buyers to choose the property.

Read also: 5 reasons why floor plans can help to sell houses quicker [2022]

Need a professional floor plan for your listings?

We have seen some easy ways to decrease the listing time on the market and sell your property faster. And digital floor plans are key assets to better market your listings. CubiCasa App helps real estate agents, brokerages, real estate photographers to close more deals, providing an easy solution to create floor plans and calculate gross living area within minutes. Regardless of the measuring and sketching skills of the user, CubiCasa allows to create a high-quality floor plans just by capturing the indoor space with a phone. You can get your floor plan delivered in 24 hours or speed up your delivery (6 hours delivery option) paying an extra fee of $10 when you submit your order. There’s no upfront investment or expensive hardware needed. All you need is to download the app and scan a floor plan in 5 minutes — the first floor plan’s on us.

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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