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Home » Blog » Real estate marketing » 10 Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow in 2024 for Real Estate Marketing

10 Instagram Accounts You Need to Follow in 2024 for Real Estate Marketing

In 2024, most real estate agents agree that they find valuable business tips on Instagram. It is where they learn about industry news and have the opportunity to see and hear tips and stories from successful colleagues. Plus, who doesn’t love relatable content? No one can make your work easier like someone who shares your job, faces the same challenges, and deals with difficult clients!

In this blog post, we will not just give you another most-followed real estate agents list. We will provide you with accounts that truly help you step up your game, inspire you, and even entertain you at the same time! Without further ado, here are the 10 Instagram accounts.

  1. Bryan Casella

Bryan Casella, with more than 40K followers, shares valuable tips for real estate agents, covering everything from negotiations to handling difficult clients. Who doesn’t enjoy peeking into the life of a real estate influencer? Bryan certainly shares a lot about how effective real estate business tactics can benefit you.

2. Joyce Rey

 Joyce updates her profile with professional photos of her listings. She is especially renowned for her use of reels to present high-end properties, making her account a great source of inspiration.

3. Chad Carroll

Florida’s top real estate broker, as stated in his Insta bio, has a very unique way of editing videos to present stunning listings. The way he captures buildings is absolutely stunning! These are just a few reasons among many why he is about to reach half a million followers!

4. Alexander Zakharin

A true runner, Alexander works in high speed mode. Presenting properties, selling them, and then run a marathon seems to be his everyday routine. On his bio you can read the statement “Fastest real estate agent in Manhattan”, I would also add “Best dressed” to that. If you follow Alexander, other than seeing beautiful properties, and his work-life, he also takes you to a trip around NYC.

5. Georgia Tusch

If you need someone to make a stunning video of your home and make everyone wanting to buy it, well call Georgia Tusch. Her way of presenting properties on her IG profile with videos makes every listing looking like your dream home. Her social media match very much her happy and vibrant personality. Following her Instagram will not only provide you with stunning visuals from her listings, but will also give you a glimpse behind the scenes, and the life of a real estate agent.

6. Matthew Sweat

Matthew Sweat is not only a real estate agent but also a photographer. If you scroll through his profile, you will soon understand how this is the perfect combination. He knows how to take pictures that could be put in a fantasy book. Combining real estate with photography, Matthew offers his followers breathtaking pictures of buildings, making it true art.

7. Dusty Baker

Dusty proves that real estate has no borders. He is an international real estate agent. With a total sales volume of $61 million in 2022 for the Dusty Baker Group, he posts fabulous properties as well as moments from his beautiful family and life.

8. Hawaii Life

Who doesn’t love Hawaii? It’s a dream destination for many and a real estate goal for some. Their motto: People bring Hawai‘i Life to life. We embrace technology while maintaining a strong human connection to the buyers and sellers we represent. While they will provide you with any listing in Hawaii you might need, the pictures posted on their account bring summer to you through your phone. Looking at their posts literally made me feel the warmth of the sun hitting my skin and got me in the mood for a vacation and a cocktail!

9. Loida Velasquez

Here is an account that speaks to real estate agents’ hearts. If you are in the real estate business, you will find Loida’s content relatable. She will surely make you laugh and inspire you with her reels!

10. Lance Tuazon

Other than houses and exteriors, Lance also emphasizes interior design. You will find tons of interior design inspiration, even if it’s for your own house. His photos prove how working with the colors and elements of a space, and choosing the correct furniture and decorations, can be turned into true art.

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