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6 Ultimate Tips to Skyrocket Your Airbnb Bookings

Man in the Airbnb webiste searching for the next accommodation

Airbnb was founded by three ambitious friends around the 2008 financial crisis, when people were hit hard by the recession, looking for ways to make extra money. The platform had notable growth, reaching a skyrocketing revenue of $8.4 billion.

The platform works as the middleman between guests and you, the Airbnb Host. You are an essential part of the Airbnb business, with over 4 million hosts worldwide, where 85% of those are outside the United States. Airbnb aims to show users the listings they are most likely to book, promoting Hosts that take good care of their guests. If you want to get more bookings in 2024 make sure you read on 6 ultimate tips to skyrocket your Airbnb bookings. 

Tip #1. Boost your Airbnb strategy with SEO and persuasive copywriting

If you’re an Airbnb Host looking to boost bookings and visibility, you can’t ignore the importance of keyword optimization, also known as SEO. Essentially, it’s a strategy that the more clicks in one of your listings, the more chances of booking it and, of course, more cash flow.

Optimize the title and description using Chat GPT

First things first, millions of others on the platform are competing for the same. That’s why, you should gather all your listings and ask yourself the following questions: Which amenities can be featured? What unique elements will make guests remember their stay in my properties? How can I improve or create a memorable experience? Answering these questions will help you to craft every listing on the platform.

Also, take the time to analyze your competitors to understand their strategies and identify potential gaps in the market. Remember, customers are willing to pay for amenities they don’t have at home, such as board games, saunas, snooker tables, Netflix on TV, or hot tubs.

TIP: Don’t forget to add a bullet-point list of why people should book with you. Also, you can add check-mark emojis to attract attention (Note: Airbnb doesn’t allow emojis but you can use websites like to unlock this functionality)

Tip #2. Give your Airbnb listings a competitive edge with free floor plans

Are you looking for a simple yet efficient way to make the most of your listing that can give you a competitive edge? Floor plans might be the ultimate tool you’re looking for. While it isn’t considered a requirement on Airbnb, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take advantage of it.

Floor plans are an essential element for potential vacation renters when considering a property. They provide guests with a clear and detailed visual representation of the layout and size of the property, allowing them to make informed decisions and establish the right expectations. A well-designed floor plan can not only help vacation renters to feel more comfortable and confident about their choice but also assist you to feature the unique features and flow of your listings. Even better, you can get them for FREE with the CubiCasa app!

CubiCasa app launched a free floor plan option in the US, in all 50 states. Plus, the whole process won’t take you more than 5 minutes, in an average house, and you have access to room dimensions completely free of charge. Whether you are just starting out or have several years of experience you should consider adding high-detail floor plans to your Airbnb listings.

UK-based photographer knows how to create floor plans with her smartphone

Sue Vaughton not only is an experienced full-time photographer but also the owner of Sue Vaughton Photography, based in South Devon, covering the South West, UK & worldwide. Sue truly enjoys blending her extensive knowledge and experience of staging and styling home interiors with beautifully lit and composed photography to create images that will successfully market a holiday property to its full potential.

“I am always encouraging holiday homeowners to invest in floor plans to accompany their gallery of interior photographs. By lending confidence to your property, they can give your marketing an edge and convert more inquiries quicker. Floor plans are the best way to understand how a house flows, in a single glance. ”

Airbnb floor plan by Professional photographer Sue Vaughton

US-based photographer created additional income streams with this tech

Erin Waynick, in addition to being the owner of Erin Waynick Photography, is a photographer based out of Loveland, Colorado specializing in Portrait, Real Estate and Product Photography. As a way to keep her career exciting and challenging, she offers a wide range of services, allowing her to continue learning and expanding her skills and knowledge.

Erin realized adaptability is key, specifically when her portrait photography services were slowing down, due to the pandemic, as the opposite to the real estate market in Colorado. Floor plans opened her new doors, allowing her to have multiple income streams, which she highly recommends it. More real estate agents and Airbnb hosts turn to professionals who can create floor plans as the demand from buyers, renters and airbnb clients increased. And the tool costs her $0 since only a smartphone is needed and the floor plan scanning app.

Airbnb floor plan from professional photographer Erin McGarrahan

Tip #3. Update constantly to have a winning Airbnb Host profile

Airbnb considers all the info on your Host profile when showing different properties to potential guests, pushing listings whose hosts are active to the front pages. This means, if you are a Host with a few listings, you should constantly update your profile, listing descriptions, titles, prices to ensure a high-detailed profile that ranks higher but also making yours appear more professional and trustworthy in the eye of potential guests.

As previously mentioned, the more visibility you get, the more chances you have to be booked. You want to be remembered and have your properties show up when potential guests are looking for accommodation to stay. Ultimately, having a fast and high response rate is also beneficial for your profile. As a rule of thumb, the customer will feel valued by you, increasing your chances of remaining loyal and even helping you grow the number of positive reviews on your profile. Sounds good, right?


Tip #4. Do’s and Don’ts. Airbnb reviews edition

Do you know what’s the 2nd most important part of the booking experience, aside from the listing’s photos? Online reviews! Positive reviews will not only influence guests’ decisions but also increase your credibility in a highly competitive market. If a potential guest knows that other people had positive experiences in your accommodation, they are more likely to trust in you and move forward in the decision-making process. In fact, 95% of consumers read online reviews before making a purchasing decision.

So, are you ready to unlock the fullest potential of the reviews section? Here is a list of do’s and don’ts:

✔️ Make sure you respond to reviews within 30 days after it was submitted.
✔️ Time is money. Try to quickly answer your Airbnb guest reviews. Did you know, 53% of customers expect businesses to reply to their reviews within 7 days?
✔️ Responding thoughtfully to negative comments on Airbnb shows professionalism and a commitment to improving the guest experience

❌ Don’t ignore any kind of comments;
❌ Ignoring suggestions or reccomendations left by previous guests. Analyze if there is anything you can take away from negative reviews that can help you to improve the experience fot future guests.

Note: The platform doesn’t allow you to delete negative comments. You can report it only if it violates the Airbnb Reviews Policy.


Tip #5. Take your listings to the next level with professional photography

Professional photos for your listings are a must-have. According to Airbnb, when hiring a photography professional you can have up to 20% increase in earnings, up to 20% more bookings, and quickly recover your cost.

Whether you’re pursuing Airbnb as a full-time career or a side hustle, there’s one thing you can’t forget: putting yourself in the customer’s shoes to understand pain points, opportunities and gaps in your market. When potential guests search for their future accommodation, the photos, especially the first one, are responsible for making the very first impression.

Listings with stunning pictures will draw attention of potential guests to click in your listing, showing to Airbnb algorithm that your listings are visually appealing and should appear more often and upper on the results’s page.

Let’s take a look at the image below:

dark Airbnb listing vs. bright Airbnb listing

If this was an Airbnb listing, chances are, you would be more likely to choose the space on the right.

Let’s take a look at another example:

clutered airbnb listing vs bright and clean airbnb listing

If you were a potential guest browsing on the platform, would you rather click on the property on the left or right?

Our guess: Right

The vast majority of potential customers are also more likely to be inclined to the property on the right side with high-quality photos. In short, professional pictures to your listings is a worthwhile investment that can help you to get more clicks, more bookings and positive reviews and look more reliable.

Tip #6 Include 3D renderings matching the furniture colors

Showcase all the exterior and interior amenities of your Airbnb with a 3D video walkthrough. With this revolutionary technology you can create 3D video renders effortlessly providing lifelike visualizations that will wow your viewers. Remember the floor plan technology we discussed in tip #2? This is the same app, in fact the same scan is enough to create a stunning 3D render. Try CubiCasa today and generate mesmerizing 3D outputs from a 5 minutes scan.
Allow your clients to explore every corner of the property virtually with your own 3D video walkthrough. No training required!

Moreover, in order to purchase a 3D render your PLUS package will automatically provide you with a professional 3D Floor Plan with realistic materials and furniture.

In a nutshell:

As an Airbnb Host, you intend to provide the best impression to potential guest when searching for their next dream accommodation. If you are looking for increasing your visibility, increasing your Airbnb bookings and boost your revenue, you truly need to ace your Airbnb stategy. So, we present you with the ultimate 6 tips to maximize your Airbnb bookings.

Let’s repeat them:

  1. Boost your Airbnb strategy with persuasive copywriting
  2. Give your Airbnb listings a compettitive edge with free floor plans
  3. Update constantly to have a winning Airbnb Host profile
  4. Don’t miss out on the power of the reviews section
  5. Take your listings to the next level with professional photography
  6. Include 3D renderings matching the furniture colors

Make sure your apply this tricks to beat the algorithm and speed up guests’ decision-making process.

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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