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The ultimate checklist when you want to sell your home

Homeseller checklist

If you are in a position of selling your home, it’s important to understand the current state of the economy and how it may impact the housing market. 

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But don’t despair or worry, homes still sell for good prices. 

While the overall state of the economy can have an effect on the housing market, it’s not the only factor that comes into play. 

Factors such as supply and demand, and local market conditions also have a significant impact on the housing market. 

For example, if interest rates are low, it may be more attractive for potential buyers to take out a mortgage to purchase a home. If there is a high demand for housing in your area and a limited supply, this can drive up home prices and make it a good time to sell.

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It’s also important to consider your personal circumstances and reasons for selling your home. If you need to sell quickly due to financial difficulties, it may be more important to price your home competitively rather than wait for the ideal market conditions. 

On the other hand, if you have the luxury of time, you may be able to wait for a more favorable market before selling.

Selling your home is a complex decision that requires careful consideration of many different factors. It’s important to work with a trusted real estate agent who can provide guidance and advice tailored to your specific situation.

How to get your house ready to sell and how to find a good realtor for selling your home?

One of the key steps, when you are planning to sell your house, is to find a good real estate agent because they can provide valuable assistance and expertise throughout the process. 

A good agent will help you:

  • Price your home correctly by conducting a comparative market analysis and looking at the prices of similar homes in your area. Pricing your home too high can result in it sitting on the market for too long while pricing it too low can mean leaving money on the table.
  • Market your home effectively to attract potential buyers. This may include taking professional photos, creating virtual tours, and listing your home on various online platforms.
  • Negotiate on your behalf to ensure you get the best possible price for your home. This includes negotiating on price, contingencies, and other terms of the sale.
  • Manage the paperwork and help you navigate the selling process. They also can help you understand the legal documents involved in the sale and ensure that everything is completed correctly and on time.
  • Provide peace of mind by answering your questions, addressing your concerns, and guiding you through the process from start to finish

But how to find a good real estate agent for selling your home?

Here’s a checklist to help you find a good real estate agent for when you are selling your home.

✅ Ask for referrals

Start by asking people you know and trust such as friends, family members, and colleagues. But don’t settle for just one referral. 

Ask for multiple referrals so you can compare and contrast different realtors and find the one that’s the best fit for your needs. Take into consideration their level of professionalism, communication skills, and knowledge of the local market.

Remember: Be specific about what you’re looking for. For example, if you’re selling a high-end luxury property, you may want to ask for referrals for realtors who specialize in that market. 

✅ Review their credentials and designations

Look for a real estate agent who is licensed and certified. Check with your state’s real estate regulatory authority to ensure that the realtor is in good standing and has no disciplinary actions against them.

You can also check the current listings they have and figure out where your property fits in. For example, will your property get the fullest attention or is there another property that may take most time? 

Remember: Real estate agents work with commissions. So, the higher the value of a property the higher their salary (and the harder they will work to close your listing).

✅ Assess their marketing skills

The times when listings sold like cut bread are over. Banks are failing, interest rates are hiking – you need an agent that knows the ins and outs of modern day marketing.

So how do you go about assessing a real estate agent’s marketing skills? 

When evaluating the marketing skills of a real estate agent, it’s crucial to look at their past achievements. For instance, agencies like Colectivo Group in Puerto Rico specialize in showcasing featured properties and utilizing modern marketing techniques to attract buyers effectively. A good agent should have a robust plan that includes listings on popular platforms, professional photos, and floor plans.

These four steps should help you with the assessment: 

Step 1: Check their website and social media profiles.

Look for the quality of their listings, photos, and virtual tours. A well-designed website with high-quality images can indicate that the agent takes marketing seriously.

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Step 2: Ask prospective agents for a plan on how they will treat your listing.

Look out for: 

  1. Listing platforms they use
  2. A plan for staging your home
  3. Floor plans
  4. Professional photos 
  5. Videos
  6. A plan for an open house

Step 3: Look for the agent’s listings on popular real estate websites to see how they present their listings and how they respond to inquiries. 

An active and responsive online presence can indicate that the agent is proactive in marketing their listings.

Step 4: Assess the quality of the communication during your initial meeting and subsequent conversations.

A good real estate agent should be responsive, professional, and able to communicate their marketing strategy clearly and effectively.

Remember: A real estate agent’s marketing skills can directly impact the number of potential buyers who are interested in your home, the speed of the sale, and the final sale price. Don’t be afraid to ask questions! 

What possibilities are there for marketing real estate

The success of a home sale often hinges on the quality and effectiveness of the marketing efforts. 

Listings are one of the most important elements of this process because they’re essentially an advertisement for your home. It’s often the first thing that potential buyers will see when they are searching for properties online. 

CubiCasa homeseller find listings online

Listings need to be well-crafted, informative, and engaging to increase your chances of attracting serious buyers and selling your home quickly and at the best possible price. Else, it can significantly impact the success of your home sale. 

But creating a listing is only the first step and a small part of the puzzle. For a real estate agent to efficiently implement their marketing strategy, they also need to: 

  • Use professional photos or videos
  • Include floor plans in their listings 
  • Stage your home effectively
  • Employ an arsenal of modern marketing materials
  • Enhance their communication tools

Then, comes getting the word on your property’s availability for sale out into the market and finding the best buyer — either digitally or in person

With so many competing properties vying for buyers’ attention, real estate agents need to get creative and strategic in their marketing efforts to ensure that their clients’ properties stand out and attract potential buyers. 

One of the most valuable marketing assets a real estate agent can have? 

Floor plans. 

Floor plans for real estate marketing to sell your home faster

Floor plans were traditionally reserved for high-end properties because they were seen as a luxury or premium feature. 

It requires a certain level of expertise and skills to create them. Not to mention, those backbreaking hours of having to crouch through a property with a measuring device and then painfully sketching these floor plans out. 

Due to the complexity or unique layout of high-end properties, it made even more important to provide a detailed floor plan to potential buyers. 

Why do more and more realtors add floor plans?

You’ve probably noticed that more and more real estate agents are adding floor plans to their listings. The reasons are pretty simple. Properties with floor plans sell faster because they: 

  • Provide a visual representation of the property’s layout and flow. It helps potential buyers get a better sense of the space and imagine themselves living in it. 
  • Demonstrate the size and scale of the property which can be an important selling point for some buyers.
  • Show the professionalism and attention to detail of the listing agent or agency, and their commitment to providing potential buyers with a comprehensive and transparent view of the property. 

(Remember: checking if the agent uses floor plans in their listings is part of assessing their marketing skills)

Now comes the good news: due in part to advances in technology, there are now easier and more cost-effective ways to create floor plans. 

Once upon a time, floor plans were reserved only for high-end properties. But technology has made it a thing of the past. 

Real estate floor plan cost has dropped

One factor driving down the cost of floor plans is the increasing use of virtual reality technology. These tools allow potential buyers to “walk through” a property and get a sense of its layout and features without ever leaving their computer or mobile device. 

This can be especially useful for out-of-town buyers or those with busy schedules who may not have the time to visit multiple properties in person.

2D floor plans for real estate are straightforward to make

The great thing about 2D floor plans? They provide a clear and accurate representation of a property’s layout and features at a glance. 

This type of floor plan doesn’t require any advanced design or rendering skills and is typically based on standardized industry practices and measurements. In fact, 2D floor plans can be created using a variety of software programs — many of which are available online for free or at a low cost. 

Floor plan software for real estate agents is readily available

Many companies have developed specialized software for creating floor plans. They’re usually designed to be user-friendly and cater to the specific needs of real estate agents and home sellers. 

Some also offer customizable templates and additional features such as measurement tools, room labeling, and the ability to add furniture and other decor elements that can be used to quickly create professional-looking floor plans.

For example, apps like CubiCasa—the floor plan app for real estate—allow users to create a basic floor plan using only their mobile devices. If you want to know why it’s the leading app, give it a try for free! 

Long story short, the reason more and more real estate agents are adding floor plans to their listings is because those who don’t may be missing out on an opportunity to stand out from the competition and attract more potential buyers.  

Why should you demand a floor plan for your listing

If the real estate professional you’re working with doesn’t have a floor plan on your listing, you should ask it. 

You’re probably thinking, why would I need one? 

The reasoning’s pretty simple. Both you and your realtor share a common goal: to be able to sell your property quickly and as pain-free as possible.

CubiCasa homeseller successful sale

Think of it this way, let’s say you’re planning a beach vacation. Chances are, you’ll check out Google Maps while you’re evaluating potential hotels. Maybe part of your (allegedly) criteria is an all-inclusive hotel with a well-stocked bar. 

Vacations are a lot like homes — even for the most spontaneous of us. You’d want everything placed in a way that is convenient for you. You probably won’t book a hotel that’s next to a dumpster. Similarly, you won’t buy a house that has a proverbial dumpster in the living room either, wouldn’t you? 

Remember that selling your home can be an emotional and stressful process, and potential buyers may be feeling similarly overwhelmed as they navigate the market. 

By including a floor plan, you can help potential buyers get a better sense of the layout and flow of your home which can make it easier for them to imagine themselves living there.

Now, that’s a win-win for both you as the seller and potential buyers!

If your realtor doesn’t have a floor plan as part of your property listing, you should definitely ask for one. 

If they don’t have the resources to create one, lean into technology and let floor plan apps like CubiCasa do the work for you. 

What are the advantages of floor plans for property owners

If your realtor uses floor plans while they market your property, great! As mentioned earlier, houses sell faster with floor plans. But there are also other advantages to having a floor plan as a property owner. 

You can rest assured you have accurate measurements at hand

Apart from providing listing information and property valuation, having accurate measurements of your property ensures taxes are calculated correctly which is often based on the value, size and features of the property. 

It is not unheard of for inaccurate measurements to result in incorrect property tax assessments that are unjust and costly for the homeowner. 

Your listing will stand out because it provides added value to potential buyers

When searching for a new home, buyers are often looking for specific features and layouts that meet their needs. They rely on accurate measurements to determine whether a property is as they imagined their future home to be. 

Some buyers also use floor plans to plan their furniture layout and home renovation projects. When buyers have a clear understanding of the layout and features of the property, they are also less likely to request multiple viewings or ask for additional information. 

That’s both a time saver and a surefire way to close sales faster.

You might reach potential buyers who were not yet fully set on buying.

Believe it or not, floor plans can influence a buyer’s decision to continue renting or proceed to make a home purchase. 

Not all potential buyers are entirely ready to buy at the point of browsing. Some may have been browsing through listings without any particular property in mind and were simply curious about the properties available in their desired location or price range.

Your property may just be the place they are looking for. But they wouldn’t have known about it had it not been for the floor plan on your listing. 

home buyers at a showing

You open the possibility for out-of-state buyers 

Buying a property sight unseen is not uncommon these days. Some buyers are unable to travel to the property due to distance or time constraints, or simply don’t want to take the time to visit in person.

In such cases, a floor plan is an invaluable tool for both you and the buyer. The buyer can get a sense of the property’s layout and dimensions without physically being there, which helps them determine whether the property meets their needs and preferences and make an informed decision about whether to move forward with the purchase.

Moreover, buying a property sight unseen is a matter of trust. A floor plan can help build this trust. 

You can communicate more effectively with contractors

When planning renovations or improvements, a floor plan helps you easily communicate your vision to contractors. Some home owners have found themselves in hot soup with costly mistakes thanks to miscommunication which could have easily been avoided. 

Floor plans help contractors and designers have a better understanding of what you want. Thus reducing the need for multiple meetings or revisions and ensuring that the project is completed on time and within budget.

Do you need a floor plan or a virtual tour?

Maybe you’ve seen the listings and felt intrigued when you visited a property through a 360 virtual tour. It sure looks fancy. But is it what you need?

When do you need a virtual tour on your listing?

Virtual tours can offer several benefits to a listing in various situations. For example, when the property is situated at a considerable distance from potential buyers. In such cases, a virtual tour provides potential buyers with a realistic sense of the property without requiring them to travel a long distance to view it in person. 

A virtual tour is also an effective way to showcase unique or high-end features of a property that may not be easily captured in photos and descriptions alone. They are also particularly useful when the property is still under construction or in the pre-sale phase to help buyers visualize the finished property before it is completed. 

When do you need a floor plan on your listing?

This one’s easy: anytime.

Floor plans provide significant advantages to a listing in various situations. But they are exceptionally handy especially when the property has a unique or complicated layout. It helps potential buyers understand the flow of the property and the relationship between different rooms. 

If you want to stand out in a crowded market, a floor plan will give your listing an edge over similar properties on the market. It can make your property more attractive to potential buyers just because they can get a better sense of the layout and flow of the property compared to listings that only have photos and descriptions.

How can real estate agents use CubiCasa floor plans?

All you need to do is to download the CubiCasa app and use their phone to create a floor plan for your property. It’s that simple! 

But the benefits of having a floor plan are much more significant than the ease of creating it.

Scan a Floor Plan in minutes with CubiCasa

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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