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Renting vs. Buying: 4 ways floor plans can influence a decision

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To rent or to buy? There’s never an absolute right or wrong answer to this question. It depends on a variety of factors and, ultimately, comes down to the individual’s financial situation, lifestyle, and goals. 

To rent or not to rent

Renting may be a better option for some if they are not ready to commit to a long-term investment or if they are looking for more flexibility in their living arrangements. Let’s take a look at some of the pros and cons of renting. 


  • Lower upfront costs
  • Flexibility (you can move more easily)
  • Ability to try out different neighborhoods
  • No maintenance responsibilities


  • Rent payments are not building equity
  • Rent increases over time
  • Limited customization
  • Higher turnover in neighborhoods

If you’re a real estate agent specializing in rental properties, it’s important to discuss the differences between renting and buying and the pros and cons of each option with your clients. 

Help them assess their individual budget and find a property that fits within those figures realistically. In addition, it’s crucial to take into account their lifestyle and location preferences to find a rental property that best meets their needs. 

While renting a property doesn’t warrant the same financial commitment as buying one, the process of seeking a new home is still a stressful one. To protect the interest of your clients, help them gain a full understanding of the lease terms and the landlord’s expectations, as well as the rental application process. Explain any applicable security deposits, fees, or other costs associated with renting.

To buy or not to buy

Buying a home can provide stability, wealth-building opportunities, and the potential for long-term appreciation. Ultimately, it boils down to each individual’s financial circumstances when deciding if home ownership is the option that best fits their needs.

Here are some of the pros and cons of buying a property:


  • Building equity
  • Potential for long-term appreciation
  • Ability to customize
  • Potential tax benefits


  • Higher upfront costs
  • Longer commitment
  • Maintenance costs and responsibilities
  • Lack of flexibility to move easily

When helping home seekers buy the right home, it is important to take into account their individual needs, budget, lifestyle, and location preferences. 

Your clients, especially first-time owners, rely on your expertise to help them understand the different types of mortgages and other financing options available, as well as the potential tax benefits and other concerns they may have about the property. 

Discuss what type of home may best suit their needs, such as a single-family home, a condo, or a multi-family home. More importantly, they plan for the long term by considering things like maintenance costs, insurance, and potential appreciation.

As a real estate agent, your role is to help your clients make the best decisions when buying or renting a property. You can do this by providing them with detailed information, such as floor plans, that will help them make an informed decision. 

By helping your clients make the best decisions for their needs, you can build a positive reputation and establish trust with your clients. This can help you gain more clients in the future and increase your success as a real estate agent. 

Four ways floor plans can influence a decision

Believe it or not, floor plans can have a big impact on the decision to buy or rent a property. Floor plans: 

Showcase the layout of a property

Floor plans are great for showing the layout of a home or property, giving clients a good idea of the space and how different areas connect to each other. 

Showcasing the layout of a property allows your clients to visualize the space and understand how it could be used. It gives them the opportunity to imagine how they would live in the space, and make it easier for them to decide if the home or property is right for them. 

Floor plans also help home seekers compare different properties, in terms of layout, size, and features before making an offer. 

Highlight features of a home

Floor plans can be used to highlight certain features of the home, such as a large kitchen or a spacious living room. 

Highlighting the features of a property helps home seekers understand what makes the property unique. For example, a spacious kitchen, a well-manicured garden, or a beautiful view.

They can then get a better understanding of what the property has to offer. And the reason it may be more desirable than others on the market. Highlighting features makes a property more appealing and helps it stand out from the competition.

Feature custom touches 

Featuring custom touches with floor plans helps home seekers see how they can make the property their own. For example, some properties may include custom touches such as built-in shelving, special lighting, or unique finishes.

Custom touches are great. But it may not be for everyone. Featuring them in floor plans gives your clients a better understanding of how they can make the property their own. 

It also helps them visualize the transformation of the space to suit their needs and preferences, if needed, and whether it’s a project that’s within their budget.

Floor plans are the
According to Zillow, a floor plan is the 2nd most important listing feature and correlates to capturing potential leads.

Create a sense of scale

One of the most common questions every real estate agent is familiar with is: does my couch (or other furniture) fit in this area? 

This is especially so if your client is from out of town. Creating a sense of scale with floor plans helps home seekers understand how the property fits into its surroundings. 

For example, using floor plans to show the size of a property compared to other homes or buildings in the area. It also helps them visualize how they could use the property and what it would be like to live there.

While floor plans help real estate agents market a property more effectively and highlight its best features, they also help home seekers decide if they’re ready to commit to a purchase or not. 

Some may decide that the options presented may not be ideal yet. Therefore, renting is the better option as they continue to search for or save up for their dream home. 


Buying a property is a huge decision. For many, renting may remain the better option. But there are no right or wrong options. 

The best way to help home seekers find a property that best meets their needs is to take into account their individual needs, such as budget, lifestyle, and location preferences. 

Regardless, home seekers rely on the expertise of real estate professionals to help them make informed decisions. By helping your clients make the best decisions for their needs, you can build a positive reputation and establish trust with your clients. This can help you gain more clients in the future and increase your success as a real estate agent. 

A list of detailed information your client may need includes: 

  • Lease terms
  • Landlord’s expectations
  • Rental application process
  • Any applicable security deposits, fees, or other costs associated with renting
  • Different types of mortgages
  • Other financing options
  • Potential tax benefits
  • Maintenance costs and insurance
  • Potential appreciation, especially when buying
  • Last but not least, floor plans

While floor plans help real estate agents boost their marketing efforts, they also: 

  1. Showcase the layout and flow of a property and how different areas connect to each other.
  2. Highlight features of a home to help home seekers understand what makes the property unique.
  3. Feature custom touches that help home seekers visualize how to transform that space into their own.
  4. Create a sense of scale and provide an idea of what it would be like to live there.

To sum it all up, floor plans are more than just marketing materials to add to your listings, they play an influential role in your customers’ decision to buy or rent. 

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CubiCasa offers standardized, fast, and accurate floor plans & GLA solutions for most iOS and Android devices. There’s no upfront investment or expensive hardware needed. You only need to download the app and scan a floor plan in 5 minutes. 

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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