Categories: Company News

People behind 3D: Aarne Huttunen

People behind 3D is a blog series on individuals who make CubiCasa products and services what they are. Directly or indirectly. These people are our customers, partners, employees, and idols. Today we are talking to our very own Aarne Huttunen.

Who are you and what do you do for CubiCasa?
I’m Aarne Huttunen and I’m responsible for design at CubiCasa.

What is the best part of working at CubiCasa?
The startup atmosphere where everything is possible and things change at a very fast pace. I also like the fact that I can take time for learning and creativity.

How did you become interested in 3D (VR, AR) – or whatever it is you do at CC
This is a funny question, because before I had any idea about what I’m going to do when I’m “grown-up”, I played around with Google Sketchup, Blender and some rendering software and modeled different kinds of objects, houses, and furniture. Funny how things in the past lurk their way into the future sometimes. After starting the university it became clear that I want to focus on IT and the interest in design scaled down from 3D to 2D and graphic design. Shortly after that, I was hired to CubiCasa.

Where do you see yourself in 3 years?
Of course, I want to be three times better in what I do daily, but also learn some new tricks especially in the area of back-end development. The VR/AR is going to hit the big time in the next few years, but let’s see what is my part in it.

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