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How to customize floor plans with label styling

label styling

CubiCasa has always given you options to customize floor plans by letting you define colors for specific room types, adding your logo or changing your disclaimer.

We’ve decided to develop these options further and give you more room (pun intended) for customization. Based on the feedback we have been collecting we have chosen some elements that we will bring throughout this year (so stay tuned, there’s more to come).
Last January we introduced options to round measurements in order to make the plans more readable, and now we’re about to release styling options for the room labels!

Is your brand accent color a flashy red or a deep blue? You spent time selecting that unique font that defines your identity? Bring it to your floor plans!

With this new set of options you can define the color, pick any font available on Google fonts define their weight (how bold you want it), choose italic option (if available) and last but not least the casing with the following options:

Title Case: Every Word Has Its First Letter Capitalized
Sentence case: Only the first word has its first letter capitalized
lowercase: no capital letters at all

The style you set up is defined for room labels, floor labels and measurements. You can set up an alternative style for your disclaimer text with the same range of options.

label styling for floor plans with blue lagoon color


These options are available today for all our users in the styling options on our web portal. You can check the documentation in our knowledge base.

As aforementioned we have several other improvements that are coming to the floor plans customization this year, all based on your feedback so don’t be shy, tell us what you need, we’re listening!

Have a good day, and stay tuned for more novelties!



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Author: Anastasia Corjan

The Senior Marketing Manager at CubiCasa has been instrumental in pioneering a newly-launched app that has gained usage in 172 countries. With expertise in real estate marketing, community building, and social media, Anastasia Corjan has helped the company achieve more than 1 million orders.

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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