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How to make a floor plan. Step-by-Step Guide

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What is a floor plan?

Floor plan is a drawing that captures the existing sizes and layout of the property, demonstrating the connection between the rooms. It may represent an entire building, one floor of a building, or a single room. A floor plan clearly shows the dimensions and layout of a space and adds context to the photographs used to show the flow of the property.

Additionally, floor plans may also include measurements, suggested placement for furniture, location of appliances, and other necessary information. Moreover, they are also useful records to have for noting wiring or other systems in the space.

How are floor plans used for real estate listings?

Floor plans make it simple to see the flow and layout of a property, enabling prospective buyers to know if the property is suitable for their lifestyle. For this reason, floor plans are a great time-saving tool for real estate agents and leasing companies by allowing them to know which properties are best suited to their clients.

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How to create a floor plan of a property. Step-by-Step

For a long time, floor plans have been drawn by hand, taking up to 2 days – 1 week, depending on the size of the property. Our version takes 5 minutes of work on-site, no need for any manual measurement, and you receive your floor plans in 6 or 24 h based on the selected turnaround time. Just follow these steps to create a digital floor plan with a simple floor plan scanning app:

1. Check Smartphone compatibility

The first step would be to check to see if you have a compatible smartphone. Check out the list of supported iOS and Android devices.

If you don’t have a compatible smartphone, or if you are an agent too busy to do it yourself  – you have the ability to hire a photographer from our photographer community:

devices cubicasa floor plan app

2. Sign Up

Once you have checked your smartphone compatibility, the next step is to sign up on, where you will have to create a user name and a password. Later you will need to confirm your email through an email confirmation letter. Then you will go through the process of creating a company, by adding the locations, and title.

how to sign up cubicasa

Under the “styling” tab in your setting on the website you can set up your personal or brand style by choosing:
• A Floor plan template;
• Floor plan colors;
• Language;
• Units;
• To add a Logo;
• Measurements arrows;
• Door angle

3. App download

After you have set the main settings and created your company profile, you can download the app on App Store or Google Play. Also, make sure it is updated to include our newest features and bug fixes. Thus, the newest version at the moment is :
Version 2.8.0 for iOS
Version 2.8.0 for Android

You can check the release notes for each version here:

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4. Before scanning

Before you begin making a scan, make sure to:
• Charge your phone sufficiently;
• Plan your path beforehand;
• Open doors;
• Turn on lights;
• Enable airplane mode;
• Keep device chest height and slightly tilted downwards while scanning.

For more information on how to create a good scan, check out this video:

5. Creating your first floor plan

Let’s begin!
Press “scan a space”;
Enter the address and any notes for the property.

address cubicasa floor plan app

6. Start scanning

Turn your phone to landscape mode making sure the button is on the right-hand side and start scanning!
Make sure to check out our super scanner videos, and follow the best scan practices to ensure the best quality and accuracy of the floor plan.
Here are some of the best practices to remember:
• Avoid rapid movements (walk at a normal pace);
• Back out of tight spaces;
• Walk forward, not sideways;
• Keep the phone at chest height;
• Stay 3’ to 8’ from the object;

scan with floor plan app

7. Finished!

When finished, press the red stop button, turn off airplane mode (need internet to send out the recording) and provide an accurate address (as it will be useful for a home report) and press send.
In 24 hour (normal SLA) or 6 hours (rush-order) your digital floor plan will be ready. Hence, you can download the ready floor plan either through the app or your website account.

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8. If any editing is needed it is easy!

Use quick edit to:
• Change labels
• Rotate labels
• Move labels
• Resize text
• Toggle on/off dimensions
• Recenter floor plans;

Or use fix request to
• Change, add or remove doors, windows, and furniture;
• Add a space you forgot or were unable to scan, for example, a garage, a room, or a balcony (only if you provide a sketch, showing the position, shape dimensions);
• Make structural changes, for example, change wall positions;

Additionally, you can contact customer service for any problems or questions you may have.

before scanning floor plans

floor plan 2D downloadfloor plan 2D downloadFloor plans are a powerful, time-saving tool to use in marketing a property and this really isfloor plan 2D download an easy way to make a floor plan on your own, in just minutes.

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Good luck, and feel free to contact us if you have any concerns or worries – we are glad to help and guide you through this process!

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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