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How Can Real Estate Agents Become Top Producers

Top-producing real estate agents

The real estate market may be starting to cool down, now more than ever it’s important to position yourself to become a top producer. What do the nation’s top realtors know that you don’t? What secrets can you learn from them to follow in their footsteps? After years of interactions with top-producing real estate agents, I have put together a few observations to help you become one.

Understand your market

First and foremost, you have to know the business of real estate to ascend to the top. There are so many regulations and variables that need to be taken into consideration. Knowing not just how to sell, but how lending works and how the appraisal process works are some key areas that can help you overcome difficult situations. And it’s not if, but when, you’ll be in a tough place when it comes to navigating the world of real estate. I recommend you to follow educational sources such as Inman’s blog or to always stay up to date. And even if you can’t become an expert in every area, building solid relationships across the various disciplines of real estate will help you when you find yourself in a new or challenging situation.

Build a strong real estate network

Top producers in real estate are great at networking. The ones that do it successfully aren’t just networking for themselves, but they network to help others. I can call a top-producing realtor and they will know someone for anything. Lawyer – check, accountant – got it covered, need your hair and nails done – no problem. Because they have shown themselves to be authentic and likable. They are great connectors and their networks are amazing.

Show your homebuyers they can count on you

According to the 2021 NAR Home Buyer and Seller Generational Trends, 98% of buyers rated “honesty and integrity” as the most important factor when choosing an agent. And this result comes as no surprise: every top producer I know has a strong presence. They give off positive energy and people truly enjoy being around them. Keep in mind that people are entrusting you with one of their biggest purchases ever and having someone they can relate to, trust and vibe with is IMPORTANT. You also need to show them you will have their best interest at the forefront of negotiations. Be genuine and share the authenticity of who you are because in time anyone can sniff out a fake. And this is not a matter of personality type. I know several top-producing real estate agents that are introverts! Just because you are an introvert doesn’t mean that you don’t know how to interact and have a good time. Now, you may need an entire day to retreat and recover after a busy week, but it’s possible to be a successful real estate agent regardless of personality type.

Become a master at marketing your properties

This one is huge and I believe makes a big difference regardless of the state of the market. We are just coming off one of the hottest real estate markets I’ve ever seen. One of the things I noticed is that the TOP Producers didn’t market their properties any differently than they would have in a tougher market. They still hired someone to take professional real estate photos, they still hired someone to scan and create a real estate floor plan, and they still put the same marketing efforts forward even though the home might sell before it ever truly hits the market. I can hear you asking “why does that make sense?” and I’m so glad you asked. The reason is that your clients are generally your best marketing tool to others. Your reputation matters and you want them to tell the story of how amazing you made their property look and how easy the sales process was, nothing else. How you market matters. The person buying or selling a 200k house today may be the one with an 800k house in 4 years.

Never Stop learning

The most successful agents are always learning more. How can I do it better? How can I be more efficient? Who do I know that can do it better? I never want to be the smartest person in the room and that’s the same quality as top producers. They are sponges that soak up information and never stop seeking knowledge. As you know, the world of real estate is constantly changing, and staying up with processes, technology, and new techniques is paramount. That’s why you should take continuing education courses locally, whether you’re in California or another highly competitive real estate state. Your initiative will help you stand out from the rest.

Serve the community and give back

I believe that when you give you will always be blessed. Every top-producing real estate agent I know has a huge heart. They have a passion for giving back to the community and sharing without any ulterior motive but to help. Who you surround yourself with will either elevate you or bring you down. So, be charitable and be open-minded to attract like minded people. Let me clarify by saying that you should never just give for the sake of giving, but I believe when you do so with a pure heart, generosity is always rewarded.

Start committing NOW

No matter what you do, don’t stop pursuing excellence. If you set your mind to it you can achieve it. Successful realtors do not spend their time considering the possibility of failure. The right mindset can truly make a difference. Sure, top-producing real estate agents are still human and can definitely have tough days, but instead of getting dragged down by their missed goals, they can get right back up to learn from their mistakes and identify what they need to work on. I hope these tips help propel you to the top of the real estate business and that you bring a ton of people with you on the journey to success.

Check out our Conversation With Multi-Million Dollar Producer Realtors: Sheena Baker and Victoria Hairston for more interesting insights!


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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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