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How to Add a Collaborator on Instagram

Guide on How to Add a Collaborator on Instagram

Here’s how to add a collaborator in 5 easy steps:

  1. Create a post as you normally would in the Instagram App
  2. When you get to the final step, click “Tag People”

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3. Then click “Add Collaborator”

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4. Type in the name of the account that you want to collaborate with: “

5. Important! The account that you input has to accept the collaboration request before it will show up on their feed.

Note: You can add collaborators only before the post is published so make sure to add all profiles that you intend collaborating with – before you press “Share”. Once your collaborator has accepted to be tagged in the photo, they will appear near your username when anyone views your post. This makes it easier to search for their profile and follow them if there’s mutual interest. So if you want to give credit or work together with someone on Instagram – don’t forget to use the collaborate option!

Whom to invite as collaborators to increase your engagement?

  • Showcase products or brands that you use for your real estate business
  • Collaborate with your clients to increase your reach to their followers.
  • Engage partners (real estate companies) by adding them as collaborators for shared projects.
  • Partner with vendors to showcase collaborative work.
  • Highlight locations or venues by adding them as collaborators for location shoots.

FAQ about Collaborator feature on Instagram

  1. How to add a collaborator on Instagram after posting:
    Unfortunately, you cannot add a collaborator after the post is already published. You would need to delete the post and repost it with the collaborator added from the beginning.
  2. Can you add a collaborator from the Facebook Creator Studio or from desktop browser?
    No, currently you can only add collaborators directly within the Instagram app. This can be challenging if you typically schedule your posts using Creator Studio.
  3. Can you add more than one collaborator?
    Yes, as long as you invited collaborators before publishing the post/reel.
  4. Can you add a collaborator for Instagram Reels?
    Yes! The process for adding a collaborator to Instagram Reels is similar to adding one to a regular post.
  5. Is adding a collaborator the same as tagging an account?
    No, adding a collaborator is a separate feature. You can still tag one or multiple accounts in addition to adding a collaborator.

These FAQs provide insights into the limitations and capabilities of the Instagram collaborator feature based on our experience. Learn more on the official Instagram FAQ.

Here are some examples of successful collaborator posts/reels:

Gone are the days when simply listing on MLSs sufficed. Social media is the new frontier for real estate marketing. It’s time to take platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and even TikTok seriously. Here’s why:

Resurfacing Your Work with Fresh Perspectives
Did you know that repurposing your visuals can generate new interest? Don’t limit yourself to posting only once. Embrace diversity! Utilize videos, 3D walkthroughs, and floor plans to offer your clients a comprehensive view on all your services. Reels on Instagram and targeted Facebook groups can significantly expand your reach.

Did you know that CubiCasa 3D renders are social media friendly? Whereas creating 3D tours typically require expensive cameras and lengthy time on site, with CubiCasa you can generate a 3D render walkthrough from a minute scan as well as 2D and 3D floor plans.

Ultimately, social media success isn’t just about numbers. Prioritize real-life relationships and focus on meaningful conversions over vanity metrics. Seek collaborations with accounts targeting your desired market or those you aspire to reach.

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Author: Anastasia Corjan

The Senior Marketing Manager at CubiCasa has been instrumental in pioneering a newly-launched app that has gained usage in 172 countries. With expertise in real estate marketing, community building, and social media, Anastasia Corjan has helped the company achieve more than 1 million orders.

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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