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From Listing to Closing: How Property Measuring Apps Can Improve Your Real Estate Sales Process.

manual property measuring tool

Getting accurate property measurements is essential for success in the real estate industry. Even the slightest mistake can lead to legal problems, disputes, and lost sales.

To avoid these issues, you must have access to reliable and accurate tools for measuring properties. In the past, properties were measured by various manual methods that required a lot of time and effort.

One of the most common methods was using a measuring tape or ruler to physically measure the dimensions of a property — a back-breaking task that was also prone to errors!

This method was often used to measure smaller spaces, such as rooms or closets. More complex methods were used for larger properties, such as houses or commercial buildings. Either way, it was often an expensive and time-consuming process.

Along came technology which led to the birth of mobile apps — including apps to make property measuring a breeze.

How mobile apps have transformed the real estate market

One of the most significant advantages of mobile apps for the real estate market is their convenience and efficiency.

Mobile apps made it easier for real estate agents to be more efficient and more productive. They changed how real estate agents work, from accessing property information to communicating with clients and better organization to staying on top of their schedule.

Useful apps for you as a real estate agent include:

  • Zillow, HomeSnap, or Loopnet for managing listings
  • CubiCasa, Zapier, or Evernote for productivity
  • Dotloop, Camscanner, or Dropbox for documentation
  • RPR mobile for accessing real estate data

Read more: 17 useful apps for real estate professionals

Property measuring apps have also emerged as a valuable tool for real estate agents.

Eliminating having to crouch through properties with a measurement tool to measure distances means freeing up more time to streamline your sales processes and improve customer service.

Mobile apps for real estate

The significance of property measuring apps in the real estate sales process

Property measuring apps can provide you with a range of other valuable features, such as:

  • The ability to create floor plans
  • Calculate square footage
  • Generate 3D models of properties

All of the above play a role in helping you to showcase and market properties better, which attracts more potential buyers and ultimately leads to higher sales prices.

When real estate agents have access to accurate measurements

Accurate measurements are crucial in determining the value of a property. This is important for setting a reasonable asking price that is fair to both the seller and the buyer and prevents legal issues and disputes between parties.

But you already know all that.

The reality is accurate measurements can also help you do the following:

Create better listing descriptions

Use accurate measurements to create detailed simple 2D floor plans of the property, which can help your buyers visualize its layout and features, even if they can’t physically visit it.

You can also include specific information about the property, such as room dimensions, ceiling heights, and outdoor areas in your listing descriptions to help buyers understand the property better.

In a competitive market, providing complete information about the property is key to attracting more potential buyers, leading to more inquiries and, ultimately, more offers.

Read more: Delivering top-notch customer service for success

floor plan app with output files dimensions

Improve real estate marketing materials

Effective marketing materials are essential in the real estate industry, as they help you attract potential buyers and differentiate your listings from others on the market.

The problem with most real estate marketing materials is that they often lack the accuracy and detail buyers need to make informed decisions.

While static photos and videos are great, they may not provide a complete understanding of the property’s features and dimensions.

If this is the case for you, then it’s time to change it, and this is where property measuring apps can make a significant difference.

For example, in addition to 2D floor plans, you can create 3D models that allow potential buyers to see the property from different angles and understand its layout in more detail.

Suppose you want to take it a step further. In that case, you can also use virtual tours to give your potential buyers a more immersive and interactive experience to help them better understand its features and dimensions.

Speed up the closing process

Inaccurate measurements often lead to discrepancies between what the buyer expects and what they receive, potentially leading to legal issues and delays in closing.

In today’s market, closing deals as quickly as possible can make all the difference. Everyone wants a seamless and hassle-free experience, and having access to accurate measurements helps you deliver just that.

When accurate measurements are readily available, appraisals and inspections can be completed more quickly and efficiently. This ensures everyone is on the same page regarding the property’s size and condition, making the closing process much smoother and quicker.

It typically also means happier clients and a more efficient sales process!


Mobile apps have been a game-changer for the real estate industry, especially those that measure properties. These apps are a real boon as they make the process of measuring properties much more convenient, efficient, and accurate.

This, in turn, helps real estate agents avoid legal issues, disputes, and lost sales. Besides, accurate measurements go a long way in creating appealing listings, enhancing marketing materials, and streamlining the closing process.

By leveraging these apps and their capabilities, you can attract more buyers, close deals faster, and increase sales prices.

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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