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Say hello to CubiCasa Digital GLA

San Jose, California — August 2, 2021Since the beginning, CubiCasa’s vision has been to digitize all aspects of real estate. Today we’re proud to launch CubiCasa Digital GLA — our next generation gross living area (GLA) software. CubiCasa Digital GLA will help appraisers, appraisal management companies (AMCs), and mortgage tech companies provide more accurate and consistent GLA information than ever before.

Market needs & the benefits of CubiCasa Digital GLA

In today’s market, most appraisal floor plan sketches and resulting GLA values are manually measured by a trained appraiser. But variation in measuring methods, appraiser habits, and industry standards can lead to inconsistent results. In addition, learning the traditional methods of measuring and sketching requires considerable training and experience. CubiCasa Digital GLA changes all of that.

CubiCasa Digital GLA requires minimal training and provides consistent GLA results. The platform is completely scalable, ensuring ease of use from day one. For added security and reliability, CubiCasa’s technology separates data collection from data creation, meaning stakeholders can’t interfere with collected data — you always get an accurate, objective view of the home’s size and features.

CubiCasa’s robust device support — including for iOS and Android devices — combined with easy-to-use technology has created a winning combination that you can easily incorporate into your existing appraisal processes.

What to expect with CubiCasa Digital GLA

digital GLA floor plan

All CubiCasa Digital GLA orders will receive the new GLA package download option. The package includes a highly-detailed PNG floor plan file with a special GLA layout that highlights included and excluded areas and total area calculations by floor.

In addition to the floor plan images, we’ll provide an area calculation in text format that demonstrates how each area was calculated — including the standard, highly-detailed CubiCasa floor plans. The GLA package is also available through our Exporter API. Exporter API documentation is available on our developer website.

CubiCasa Digital GLA integrations: APIs, mobile SDKs, & more

Our floor plan scanning technology and GLA output are available now through three different CubiCasa solutions. Enterprise customers looking for a white-labeled solution can use the CubiCasa Core APIs and mobile SDKs to embed the scanning technology into their existing mobile applications.

If your company doesn’t currently have a mobile application, you can easily integrate your backend system with our Integrate API. Integrate API integrates your backend system with the CubiCasa mobile app. The GLA floor plan is available through the APIs and CubiCasa web portal.

Don’t want or need an integration? Fear not! For new customers and those who don’t use one of these existing technologies, the use of CubiCasa Digital GLA doesn’t require any integration. The self-service option is available to those looking to simply scan a property with our mobile app and manually upload the results into their selected appraising tool.

Moving the industry toward a modernized appraisal

The future of the real estate and appraisal is digital, and the need for hybrid appraisals and homeowner involvement continues to rise. The long-term solution to the ever-growing demand for data and appraisals starts with CubiCasa Digital GLA.

Interested in testing CubiCasa Digital GLA? Get in touch today. We’d love to know how our scanning technology compares with your current floor plan sketch and GLA numbers. Connect with our sales team at



Aaron Smith

About CubiCasa
CubiCasa is the market leader in mobile indoor capture being known for its fast and easy-to-use floor plan app on App Store and Google Play Store. CubiCasa provides technology for real estate professionals and is on a mission to bring floor plans to every real estate listing.

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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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