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Feature update: GLA for townhouses, row houses and apartments

GLA (gross living area) for townhouses and apartments

Until now, CubiCasa’s GLA report only covered single unit residential houses. We are happy to announce the support for townhouses and row houses as well as apartments.

The change, as you might expect, is on the inclusion of external wall with the following rules:
Single Unit property: external walls are included in GLA
Townhouses & row houses: shared external walls are only half included (to the center line), other external walls are included
Apartments: external walls are excluded

How does it work?

When you do a scan, the property type you select at the beginning of the process is what impacts GLA calculation and the report you get. As you can guess, external walls were already detected, with this improvement we also automatically detect shared walls for townhouses & row houses. This way when we calculate the GLA for your floor plan, the rules automatically apply and the correct GLA is outputted.

How do I see the change?

On the report, you probably won’t notice the details in the calculation, but on the floor plans, you will. Included walls or part of walls will stay green as they used to, and excluded walls (and parts) will appear in gray.
In the case of a townhouse or a row house, shared walls will appear with the internal half in green and the external half in gray.

GLA for townhouses and apartments

As with many of our updates and upgrades, you don’t need to do anything, except select the right property type. We are aware that this novelty might raise some questions, we have a more detailed documentation available here, and if it doesn’t answer your questions, just ask us!

Disclaimer: Some of you might notice we don’t speak about condos. The term “condo” or “condominium” is referring to a type of ownership while ANSI rules are referring to architectural styles. For example a row house can be a condo or not, it won’t affect how its GLA is calculated.

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Author: Anastasia Corjan

The Senior Marketing Manager at CubiCasa has been instrumental in pioneering a newly-launched app that has gained usage in 172 countries. With expertise in real estate marketing, community building, and social media, Anastasia Corjan has helped the company achieve more than 1 million orders.

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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