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Delivering top-notch customer service for success with CubiCasa

Amelot Properties, the real estate agency located in the heart of Rixensart is the Belgian company if you are looking for a comprehensive A-Z partnership in your property renting/buying journey. Built on a passion for real estate, the agency treats each customer, regardless of the value of their property, in the same way – as a family. In building this long-lasting relationship between them and their clients, Amelot Properties, among all, bets on CubiCasa’s innovative technology. How did it all develop? See in this customer success story…

Meet our customer

For Alexis Amelot the journey with real estate started as a hobby, a side hustle absorbing his free-time evenings after a 9-to-5 job. Today, we asked him to take us down memory lane to explore his success story and the assisting role that CubiCasa played on this path.Alexis Amelot real estate agent

Living what you love to do

Coming from an academic marketing background Alexis grew professionally transacting service parts for turbines in the oil and gas industry in Northern and Southern Europe. It took a few years to ground his belief that what drives him is his passion for real estate. Complying with Belgium’s requirement of being a real estate agent, Alexis got a certificate, underwent a compulsory internship, and finally made the big step of starting his own company in 2018.

After five years of running this three-person business, he highlights that looking beyond the property details is what makes each transaction so unique.

What I mostly like in real estate is the relationship with the customer. Every day you are dealing with customers from different backgrounds. Whether you sell a home or rent something, you are now part of their life… This is really what makes a difference. And it all starts with the handshake at the beginning of the contract.”
Alexis Amelot 
Alexis Amelot real estate agent


Growing in a lion’s den

When three years ago he moved his office to the center of Rixensart Alexis found himself on one street with four real estate competitors right next to his door and hundreds of them within a 10-20 km radius. Problematic as it may seem, Alexis took it as a stimulating challenge. His approach to the customer, concern for consistency, and strong brand recognition are what granted him a stable position in the Belgium market. Soon – he was the one others looked up to.

“Before coming here I identified a few main competitors to keep an eye on. After I arrived, I saw some changes in their strategies – they also started publishing floor plans, they tried to write better descriptions and offered more service – everything that was appreciated by my clients.”

– Alexis Amelot  Alexis Amelot real estate agent

Belgian market changes

Similarly to the global situation, the COVID-19 pandemic turned the Belgium real estate market by 180 degrees – the volume of property offers increased while the demand decreased. Alexis recounts that back in the day, he would sell the house within two to three days with 10-20 property visits per week. Now, these numbers have decreased significantly to 5-10 visits per month, prolonging the overall process time. A large portion of that issue comes from refused bank loans and their high-interest rates. Alexis mentions that more and more often his team has to put the property back on the listing because the buyer was refused a mortgage. In the end, though, even if the online property prices do not reflect that yet, mentions Alexis, there is much more space for negotiation than before.

Seizing technological opportunities in a conservative market

Alexis’ journey with CubiCasa started with him attending a presentation during a monthly gathering of the Property Partners group, bringing together independent industry professionals from Belgium, France, Switzerland, and Germany. Captivated by the idea, Alexis decided to try CubiCasa’s service… and quickly “got addicted”.

Having an open mind towards changes and adopting innovations is what may have led Alexis to the point where he is now. Whether it is a text-processing software or a space-scanning app Alexis is eager to take advantage of the AI developments that will enhance his productivity. He highlights, however, that is not the case for most of his colleagues. For them the innovations pose as a threat to the future demand for their services.

“For me, it is magical, but I have another architect who was kind of worried about this technology. I think in Belgium we have to jump on that still; the real estate market is quite conservative and skeptical of AI.”

– Alexis Amelot  Alexis Amelot real estate agent

Saving time and improving your services

Now, Alexis skips the most time-consuming part of creating the floorplan process. Instead of doing laser measurements by himself and transferring them into online software, he uses his smartphone to take a 5-minute scan of the property and gets the polished product within 24 hours. The floor plans made with Cubicasa’s app became a complimentary gift added to the property expertise service offered by Amelot Properties. A gift seemingly small, but having a huge impact on customers’ trust and loyalty.

“I encountered someone who made the new plan of the 1,200 square meters building and paid around 4,000 Euros for the floorplans. And when I showed them how I was making plans, and how they can do it themselves they were shocked. It is a high-tech service and it is appreciated by the customer. And by me, I think I am addicted to CubiCasa now (laugh). In two key points, it saves me a lot of time and helps to improve my service.” – Alexis Amelot  Alexis Amelot real estate agent


Reach your efficiency peak with CubiCasa

The easiest solution for generating floor plans

Let us take the workload off your shoulders so that, as Alexis, you can focus on building your own success story. All you need is your mobile phone and the CubiCasa app!📱

Client Testimonials

"While in most programs you have to scan each room, click at each wall, add doors, windows and openings, etc. I love that CubiCasa does all of that for you in one single scan!"

cubicasa app review by Dan, Dan O'Brien Media

Dan, Dan O'Brien Media,

"HomeVisit has had great success since day one of using CubiCasa floor plans. Especially turn around time and customer support has far exceeded our expectations."

cubicasa app review by Adam, HomeVisit

Adam, HomeVisit,

"I have not found an app that comes anywhere near CubiCasa. The clear advantage is ease of use and fast accurate results."

cubicasa app review by Sharon,


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