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CubiCasa 2.0 Live session Q&A, commentary from Marc Smith, and 2.0 survey

We are still riding high from the introduction of CubiCasa 2.0. Our feature rich update that provides next generation floor plans, but with the same easy and fast experience. The new release includes improvements that have been highly requested and we delivered. The list includes all new total square footage calculation for supported LiDAR devices, on-site room labeling via speech recognition, and a host of other improvements. So let’s jump in and talk a little more about what’s new and then we’ll take some time to look at the Q&A from our live event last week.

LiDAR Support (Improved accuracy and stability)

CubiCasa users with supported LiDAR devices will see an improvement in accuracy and scan stability after the update. Our rigorous testing shows 36% accuracy improvement for a typical measurement taken with the app compared to floor plans made in the Fall 2020. In addition, LiDAR provides better position tracking, which in turn improves scan stability. CubiCasa users with supported LiDAR and ToF devices will see multiple big and small updates with CubiCasa 2.0. These updates include total area calculation, better accuracy, and live scan visualization to name a few.

As a real estate photographer, it’s so important to have accurate scans which turn into accurate floor plans. So when you are talking about increased stability, better accuracy and anything that makes my job a bit easier, sign me up. I love the fact that we are taking advantage of the technology advances and passing that through to our users.

Total square footage with LiDAR

Since the introduction of CubiCasa Floor Plans in 2019, total square footage calculation has been one of the most requested features. Today, with the help of LiDAR technology, all floor plans made with supported LiDAR devices will receive floor plans with total square footage calculation added into the floor plan images.

This feature has definitely been one of the most requested upgrade requests. I love being able to present this option to my real estate partners. I think the best part for me is knowing that CubiCasa is listening and providing solutions that work for the real estate photographer.

Speech Recognition

All iOS and Android users have access to new speech recognition room labeling feature that allow users to label rooms while scanning. CubiCasa App’s scan screen has a new microphone button that makes recording room labels on the go super easy. This will drastically reduce the need for a Quick Edit or post-delivery fix request.

Now this feature is one of the cool ones and is surely a timesaver. During the scan process I can simply state the name of a unique room or space and know that it will be included when I receive my floor plan. No more going back in to do a quick edit. (Note: This is not necessary for every room, just rooms that require special labels. If it’s not used, we’ll use our regular CubiCasa labels.) We all know that time is money and I’m super glad to have this feature to help shave some time from my post production work. I think we also get a few cool points, when we use this in front of our clients. LOL

Adaptive Lighting for iOS devices

From the beginning, dark spaces such as storage rooms and attics have been problematic to scan and may have required an external light source to scan successfully. The New Adaptive Lighting feature will automatically switch on the built-in flash on iOS devices in dark spaces. No need to fear the dark any longer!

Now, I don’t know about you but as much as I try to ensure all lights are on we all run into those dark spaces. In fact, sometimes the homes we photograph may not have electricity at all. I love this feature because the light automatically recognizes low light situations and turns on my flash to help provide what’s needed to get an accurate scan. Super helpful for dark closets, basements and even garage spaces.

Floor Plan Themes

Previously CubiCasa users have been able to customize the floor and wall color of the floor plans. With 2.0, we introduce 5 new floor plan themes; Elegant, Grayscale, Blueprint, Earth tones and Wet space to the theme catalog. And don’t worry, you will still have the amazing option to fully customize your floor plan styles using the CubiCasa Exporter API.

Another one of my favorite features (I think you are getting the fact that they are all my favorite) is the ability to apply a theme to my floor plans. I love seeing the differences between rooms and being able to apply a theme, rather than going in one by one to make changes. I’d love to know which is your favorite. So far, Blueprint is mine.


In case you missed the LIVE event last week we wanted to provide some of the questions and their respective answers. If you have questions that we didn’t answer feel free to reach out to our support team at or your community team at or We love hearing from you. In addition, be on the lookout for a survey that will help us as we prepare to make additional improvements.

Q – Per ansi standards living area is calculated on exterior measurements of a dwelling. Has this been addressed?
A – Exterior wall thickness is possible to get by scanning the exterior of the home at the start of the scan. For cases where this is not possible, a default 6 inch wall is used for the exterior wall thickness. CubiCasa is reviewing the ANSI-Z765 calculation standard and it is not supported at the moment. Current supported standard for area calculation is IPMS 2 Residential 3B.

Q – Is there any chance of 3d or virtual furniture in floor plans in the future? (These are popular in Australia)
A – We do not currently have a schedule for 3D plans.

Speech Recognition
Q – How is the speech recognition for ex. Norwegian?
A – It only works in English currently.

Q – Do you need to label every room with speech recognition?
A – No, just the rooms that are unique or custom.

Q – With regards to speech recognition, do you need to speak complete sentences or just say the name of the room?
A – Just say the name of the room and it’s only necessary when it’s a custom or unique room.

Q – Will it cause a problem if we are talking to our agent while scanning?
A – Speech recognition only works when the button is pressed, so if you are having a conversation it’s best to pause when speaking a label for a special room.

Adaptive Lighting
Q – With the adaptive lighting, does it happen instantly or would we need to pause our scan and wait for the flash to come on?
A – It happens automatically as soon as the app recognizes it’s too dark. No need to pause the scan.

Q – Can the lighting feature be switched off?
A – No, it is an automated feature.

Q – Will the overall square footage feature be applied retroactively to scans that have already been done? Or only to new scans?
A – Only new scans.

Q – Relating to LiDAR, will the range of the depth detection be different on varying devices?
A – There is some difference in the sensor between iPad and iPhone, but we haven’t seen much difference in the resulting floor plan. We will continue to monitor as we have more data to assess. Currently we have not found any difference as it relates to accuracy or reach.

Q – Is 97% accuracy min or max?
A – It is actually the average. It’s technically a little better than that but we rounded down to 97.

Q – Is the LiDAR something that is visibly active, or more working in the background during the scan? I’ve found on some other floor-planning apps I have to be very careful about LiDAR acting up and not picking up small details etc., so being able to see what it’s measuring is handy to avoid inaccuracy.
A – There is a mesh or grid that is applied where LiDAR detects a surface. So you can see what’s happening and it’s pretty darn cool.

Q – I would really like to see the total square footage on ALL plans, no matter the device. You’re already estimating with the old technology, it’s just a matter of doing the math at your end so we don’t have to do it manually.
A – With regards to older devices we’ll have to determine the best options going forward. We have a survey coming that will help us to determine how we proceed.

Q – Will 2.0 ONLY run on a LIDAR-enabled device?
A – The update provides something for all devices. Speech recognition and Adaptive lighting will work on other devices (Adaptive lighting only on iOS devices.) Total square footage and the LiDAR improvements will only work with LiDAR devices.

Q – Just like we are able to edit the room name will we be able to change/change the estimated dimensions?
A – There is a workaround in place for editing the dimensions you just need to toggle the dimensions, then you can add a free text with the dimensions you want.

Q – So the themes can be applied after processing on demand?
A – Yes, you just need to select the theme, then open the floor plan you want to apply the theme on Quick Edit, then save, wait until you get the message it’s been saved, and wait a few minutes for it to replicate, if it doesn’t work, please contact support (chat or with the address for the floor plan, and we can redeliver it for you.

Q – Will the new app improve delivery times?
A – We are working hard to improve delivery times. Overall, delivery times remain the same, 1 business day.

Floor Plan Themes
Q – Are the new themed sample floor plans available to download for marketing purpose?
A – This is on our Todo list – stay tuned!

Q – Great update! Will different print options be available, like A4? And will we be able to get our logo centered – to keep the OCD in check?
A – Unfortunately not right now.

Q – Can we change the door swing angle?
A – There is a global door swing parameter. Door swing angle can be completely customized to meet your needs. Again, it is a global adjustment so if you change the door swing to 30 degrees, that will be reflected for all doors.

Q – How do I get a t-shirt?
A – Coming soon. We are working on come swag gear for our Certified Photographers. Stay tuned!

Take the 2.0 survey

We’d like to hear your opinions about CubiCasa features and plan our roadmap for the rest of 2021. Answer the 2.0 survey and let us know how we can improve our product!


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Author: Aarne Huttunen

Aarne is the Chief Product Officer at CubiCasa. His main priority is to ensure that CubiCasa's users love to use the CubiCasa App and related APIs. Most likely you'll spot him next to a coffee cup in Helsinki or meet him in a conference running a wild scanning demo!

We're building technology to digitize the real estate around us, and while doing it, helping families to find better homes, approve mortgages and renovate their homes. We are located in Oulu, Helsinki, San Jose, and Ho Chi Minh City. Currently we are especially looking for software developers to join our team.

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