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Creating Memorable Connections with Email Marketing

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Email marketing typically has a high return on investment when compared with other marketing options.

Email marketing can be a powerful tool to use in growing your business. Here we take a look at some of the things to consider when creating an email campaign for maximum results.

Email marketing for photographers
Photo by Nordwood Themes


Are your customers going email blind? We all get hundreds of emails from well-meaning businesses that go unread. Use these strategies to capture the attention and interest of your audience.

Always put your audience first.

What are their biggest pain points? It is natural that people either go out of their way to either avoid pain (a cluttered inbox just being one of those things) or confront it head-on. When you understand your email audience you will know the hot button items that will trigger a reaction from them. If you understand, acknowledge, address, and find a resolution to this pain, you will win their approval, their attention, and possibly their business.

Speak to them with love.

When you see an email, do you read the word “we” or “I” a lot? You might get the impression that the company or individual who created the email is more focused on their own needs than yours. If you want to get their attention, make your message all about them. It will be like music to their ears in a noisy and confusing room.

Email marketing to target your audience
Photo by Melanie Deziel

Build trust from your very first interaction.

Do your homework! If you’re going to make a claim make sure that you can confidently back it up with evidence that’s relevant to their situation. Don’t ever drop the words “Take my word for it!” Your credibility as a professional begins with your first interaction. Trust is the hardest thing to earn and the easiest thing to lose.

Lead with a service mentality, and make it about them.

How many emails screaming “sell, sell, sell” have you read today? They’re annoying and even worse ineffective. When you put the needs of your customers first you demonstrate that you care enough to have a deeper conversation with them later. The money will come only when you place your priorities on helping them.

Give them a clear understanding of what to do next.

Imagine you’re throwing a birthday party: You have chosen the venue, bought the food, and taken care of the decorations. And no one shows up because you forgot to send the invitations! Don’t let your email become a victim of the trash can or even worse the SPAM folder. Give your reader a reason to care and a clear and compelling “Call to Action”.

Express Gratitude.

Remember that your customers are the lifeblood of your business. Show genuine appreciation for their time and acknowledge them in everything you do. It takes only a moment to express genuine gratitude and it makes a lasting impression.

Express gratitude to your audience
Photo by Kelly Sikkema

Now, with these thoughts in mind, let’s take a look at some elements that are helpful in launching an effective email campaign.


A Targeted List.

Make sure that the people you send emails to fit into your ICP (Ideal Customer Profile.) An Ideal Customer Profile is an ideal company you want your company to be working with and the sort of company you are able to create the best solution for with your service offering.  They should be the customers you want to work with, and those who want to work with you!

A Captivating Subject Line.

A catchy subject line and preheader can mean the difference between an email that is opened and one that’s ignored. Give them a reason to want to open the email without revealing too much. A little mystery helps. 


A person’s name can be music to their ears. Use it in the subject line and sprinkle it in the body of the email to give it a personal touch. Personalization should be natural and conversational so don’t approach it in a too heavy-handed way.

Nice Imagery.

Tell the story with something visually pleasing.

pleasing visuals
Photo by Frank McKenna


An Offer They Can’t Ignore.

Remember the WIIFM’s (What’s In It For Me?) A well-timed offer can create a sense of urgency and win them over now.

A Strong Call to Action. 

Help them make a decision by giving them a clear next step, such as booking a meeting or placing a phone call.

Short, Sweet, and Simple.

Sometimes fewer words are better. 


Be brave and try new things!  You may be on to something that works really well, and even if it doesn’t you will have learned something new!

Email marketing
Photo by Towfiqu Barbhuiya

Look at the Numbers.

Learn terms such as Open Rates, Clicks, and Click-Through Rates.  Understanding and tracking these numbers will give you a deeper understanding of your audience.

infographic email marketing

If you’re interested in learning more about how you can effectively use email marketing and other communication channels to target and reach your perfect customer and business we have created a Marketing Resources Page that can help put you on the right track!

This blog post was written by Tammy Dwight (community manager) and Ben Heyworth (sales representative). Would you like to learn more email marketing tips? Reach out to our expert via or book a demo.

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Author: Tammy Dwight

Tammy is a real estate photographer based in the Pacific Northwest and a Community Manager at CubiCasa. She is interested in how emerging technologies will be used to meet the imaging needs of the real estate industry in the future.

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