Free listing floor plans!
First 2D floor plan is free!


CubiCasa is on track to become the biggest floor plan app and property data collection tool in the world. Currently we work with tens of thousands of real estate professionals worldwide. CubiCasa has created an innovative AI solution to turn the indoor videos into floor plans at scale. Today more than 10% of real estate listings in the US are created using CubiCasa’s technology. Join this mission and help to build the next chapter on how floor plan and photos are used in real estate listings. Since 2015, we have delivered more than 1,000,000 floor plans to thousands of companies. At the moment our team consists of roughly 60 employees mainly in Oulu (Finland, HQ), Helsinki (Finland), Minneapolis (Minnesota) and Ho Chi Minh City (Vietnam).


Open positions

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We are always looking for talented team members, start by introducing yourself to us at