Real estate terms to follow in 2024

We live in an era where the frontier between the worlds of real estate and high-tech is getting thinner. Technical…

6 months ago

CubiCasa Introduces Mobile Video Technology to Bring Floor Plans to Every Real Estate Listing The real estate industry is set to benefit from a new, efficient way to digitally capture the layout and…

1 year ago

8 Essential Photography Tips for a Perfect Shoot

Real estate photography blends objectivity and subjectivity. The pictures inform potential buyers by displaying essential elements of the house but…

4 years ago

Top 13 actionable vacation rental tips to apply today

Are you a vacation rental owner or vacation home renter? Then, stay tuned because we are bringing 12 actionable vacation…

10 months ago

Easy way to edit a floor plan using SVG by yourself

First of all, we should define what is an SVG. What is an SVG? SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphics.…

5 years ago

How to describe the property attractively

Do you know how to write a good real estate property description? Learn how to describe a house for sale…

2 weeks ago

How to find a professional real estate photographer?

Let's start with the obvious and back it up with some data: Professional photos taken by real estate photographer with…

5 years ago

How to Use Different Floor Plan Apps For Free

Are you an appraiser/real estate agent/photographer or an individual selling a house? Are you trying to create a perfect floor…

3 days ago

4 Tech Trends Shaping The Real Estate Industry

We live in a fast-paced world that is run by different technologies. Nowadays technologies are transforming every single aspect of…

2 years ago

8 ways to decrease real estate listing time-on-market

Are you a real estate agent or a homeowner who wants to sell a property? Have you listed several properties…

2 years ago

From video to a point cloud

Introduction How to create a point cloud with so fast and reliable way that anyone can do it? Including words,…

5 years ago

CubiCasa Launches Revolutionary Floor plan App on the App Store

  CubiCasa, a forerunner in real estate technology, has released a revolutionary property scanning app that allows real estate professionals.…

5 years ago

What a modern real estate agent should know in 2024

Reading this article as a real estate agent? Then I must congratulate you because many didn’t make it this far.…

12 hours ago

10 Common mistakes to avoid in a Floor Plan

A home is a place where we stay most of our lives. That’s the place where we eat, sleep, study,…

11 months ago

5 reasons why floor plans are important to sell houses quicker

As the real estate market in 2023 cooled down after the hottest last couple of years, selling homes in 2024…

6 months ago

CubiCasa Acquires Virtual Design Rendering

-- Oulu / Helsinki, Finland; September 10th, 2018 -- CubiCasa Oy, a pioneering company in real estate technology, has acquired…

5 years ago

Aerial Photography: Using Drones For Real Estate Photography

  Introduction These days, the application of advanced technologies to the selling and buying of real estate greatly determines the…

4 years ago

How Feng Shui principles can help you to sell your house faster?

Introduction 86% of Chinese-Americans consider that Feng Shui plays a role in their home selection. Considering the competitiveness of the…

11 months ago

Real Estate Marketing to Millennial Homebuyers: 5 Things You Must Know

The Millennials are here – and they are rocking the real estate market. According to data from the US Census…

6 months ago

CubiTool: A public road map announced

The CubiTool road map is here! We at CubiCasa think that transparency is the key to better communication and sight…

5 years ago